Without discovering today of the Tropics and re-discovering today of the Temperates acting as world or any country leader is neither civilized nor scientific.Because of the fact that today of the Tropics and Temperates are unlike.
But both to-days' of the Tropics and Temperates are undiscovered and re-undiscovered respectively.Because all over the world only today of the Temperates is named as Sunday.Nevertheless, according to the Tropical calendar of Ethiopia, the week day name of today in the tropics is Maksegnoelt.
Therefore, discovering the tropics and rediscovering the temperates means that today is Maksgnoelt 10 Hamle 2005 in the Tropics, when it is called Tuesday 16 July 2013 in the Temperates.
Linear equation of Pagume 6
Thursday, July 4, 2013
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Two New theories of Earth: 1) The shorter variation of day and night is the faster rotation of the Tropics 2) when the longer variation of day and night is the slower rotation of the Temperates.
Discovering the tropics and re-discovering the temperates.
Discovering the tropics and re-discovering the temperates are very simple. A solar year of 365 or 366 days divided by a standard of 12 months is equal to 30 days and remainder 5 or 6 days. The remainder 5 or 6 days is called Pagume. But, fairly speaking, the economic model of Ethiopia and all other countries in the tropics is a model of 360 days in a year. Because, the economic model of Pagume is undiscovered. Undiscovered economics of Pagume is there is neither factors income nor income tax revenue during Pagume. Moreover, if there is factor income during Pagume there are no two complementary income tax schedules that use to plan, legislate, execute and audit income tax revenue from the broader and the broadest income tax bases (income of individual earned during 30 days of Nehase plus 5 or 6 days of Pagume). The government failures to discover the Economics of Pagume is due to the fact that the concept of Pagume is known neither by any English dictionary nor by bilingual dictionary of English Amharic. As a result the Gregorian calendar seems to replace the Ethiopian calendar unnaturally and unscientifically. Therefore, both use of Ethiopian calendar only in the current Ethiopia and Gregorian calendar in the entire tropics are false. Use of Ethiopian calendar only in the current Ethiopia is false because the circumference of the current Ethiopia cannot cover 24 hours. Use of Gregorian calendar in the tropics is false, because the longer variations of day and night is the slower rotations of the temperates which are revealed by the Gregorian calendar months were, are and will not recur in the tropics. Therefore, in addition, we discovered that English is not time, it does know neither Pagume nor 12 months of 30 days. But Pagume does use English to reveal the tropics compared to the temperates. Therefore, it is 5 or 6 faster rotations of the tropics, when 6 to 10 or 11 of September are slower rotations of the temperates. We also discovered that the image of Globe or Earth is on the hands of every individual and the eternity of Pagume 6. Finally we asserted that nothing is impossible about discovering the tropics and rediscovering the temperates, the power is on the hands of the day Pagume 6 and every individual.
Eternity of Pagume 6
The day Pagume 6 is eternal because about 0.04107 seconds of Pagume 6 does recur per minute. The day Pagume 6, like all other day, has 24 hours in which the day has 1440 minutes (=24*60) or 86,400 seconds (=1440*60). The day Pagume 6 is the leap year day. Leap year day means the day recurs once in every four years. The number of days of four years is 1461 (=365.25*4). In the Ethiopian calendar system 1461 days is equal to the sum of 365 days of three ordinary years and 366 days of leap year (=365*3+366*1). We know two quantities:-the number of seconds of Pagume 6 is 86, 400, and the number of days of four years is 1461. Therefore, we inquire and answer here what is the daily average number of seconds of Pagume 6? We divide 86,400 seconds by 1461 days and the quotient is about 59.137577 seconds. This result shows that about 59.137577 seconds of Pagume 6 does recur per day.
Besides, we are also able to determine that about 2.4640657 seconds of Pagume 6 (=59.137577 divided by 24 hours) does recur per hour. This shows that the quantity of the day Pagume 6 is about 2.4640657 seconds per hour.
Finally we inquire and answer here also that what is the average number of seconds of Pagume 6 per minute? We divide 2.4640657 seconds of Pagume 6 by 60 minutes and get the quotient about 0.04107 seconds. This shows that about 0.04107 seconds of Pagume 6 does recur per minute. The law of Pagume 6 is an eternal.
Friday, March 15, 2013
Discovering the Economics of Pagume
Senior Lecturer in Economics, in Brisbane, Australia- INOMICS | Economics Jobs
Nothing is impossible about discovering the tropics and rediscovering the temperates, the power is on the hands of the day Pagume 6 and every individual
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Two theories of Earth- theory of the Tropics compared with the Temperates)
I discovered that there are two new theories of Earth. (1) The shorter variation of day and night is the faster rotation of the Tropics, (2) when the longer variation of day and night is the slower rotation of the Temperates. These two new theories are verified by the fact that Ethiopian calendar belong to the Tropics, when the Gregorian does to the Temperates.!
The day Pagume 6 of the Tropics, when September 11 of the Temperates
x is jesus god 2
Professor Ephraim Isaac is my hero because he asserted that Ethiopian calendar belongs to neither Julian nor Gregorian (1999 Ec). Following him and given one day is one rotation of earth, I inquired the question that Ethiopian calendar belongs to whom? Empirically, I have compared and analyzed 68 years data of the Ethiopian calendar and Gregorian calendar (1932-1999 EC). My finding was that Ethiopian calendar belongs to the tropics, when the Gregorian does to the temperates
Professor Ephraim Isaac is my hero because he asserted that Ethiopian calendar belongs to neither Julian nor Gregorian (1999 Ec). Following him and given one day is one rotation of earth, I inquired the question that Ethiopian calendar belongs to whom? Empirically, I have compared and analyzed 68 years data of the Ethiopian calendar and Gregorian calendar (1932-1999 EC). My finding was that Ethiopian calendar belongs to the tropics, when the Gregorian does to the temperates
x is jesus god 2
x is jesus god 2
Professor Ephraim Isaac is my hero because he asserted that Ethiopian calendar belongs to neither Julian nor Gregorian (1999 Ec). Following him and given one day is one rotation of earth, I inquired the question that Ethiopian calendar belongs to whom? Empirically, I have compared and analyzed 68 years data of the Ethiopian calendar and Gregorian calendar (1932-1999 EC). My finding was that Ethiopian calendar belongs to the tropics, when the Gregorian does to the temperates
Professor Ephraim Isaac is my hero because he asserted that Ethiopian calendar belongs to neither Julian nor Gregorian (1999 Ec). Following him and given one day is one rotation of earth, I inquired the question that Ethiopian calendar belongs to whom? Empirically, I have compared and analyzed 68 years data of the Ethiopian calendar and Gregorian calendar (1932-1999 EC). My finding was that Ethiopian calendar belongs to the tropics, when the Gregorian does to the temperates
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
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