Friday, March 15, 2013

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Two theories of Earth- theory of the Tropics compared with the Temperates)

Professor Ephraim Isaac is my hero because he asserted that Ethiopian calendar belong to neither Julian nor Gregorian (1999 Ec). Following him and given one day is one rotation of earth, I inquired the question that Ethiopian calendar belong to whom? I have compared and analyzed 68 years data of Ethiopian calendar which consists of Gregorian calendar to understand whether there is relationship between them (1932-1999 EC).
I discovered that there are two new theories of Earth. (1) The shorter variation of day and night is the faster rotation of the Tropics, (2) when the longer variation of day and night is the slower rotation of the Temperates. These two new theories are verified by the fact that Ethiopian calendar belong to the Tropics, when the Gregorian does to the Temperates.!

The day Pagume 6 of the Tropics, when September 11 of the Temperates

x is jesus god 2
Professor Ephraim Isaac is my hero because he asserted that Ethiopian calendar belongs to neither Julian nor Gregorian (1999 Ec). Following him and given one day is one rotation of earth, I inquired the question that Ethiopian calendar belongs to whom? Empirically, I have compared and analyzed 68 years data of the Ethiopian calendar and Gregorian calendar (1932-1999 EC). My finding was that Ethiopian calendar belongs to the tropics, when the Gregorian does to the temperates

x is jesus god 2

x is jesus god 2
Professor Ephraim Isaac is my hero because he asserted that Ethiopian calendar belongs to neither Julian nor Gregorian (1999 Ec). Following him and given one day is one rotation of earth, I inquired the question that Ethiopian calendar belongs to whom? Empirically, I have compared and analyzed 68 years data of the Ethiopian calendar and Gregorian calendar (1932-1999 EC). My finding was that Ethiopian calendar belongs to the tropics, when the Gregorian does to the temperates

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Standard units of measurements are these that everyone agrees to use. A formula of the day Pagume 6 is a mathematical equation that shows the relationship between units of Pagume 6 and year. The day Pagume 6 depends on the number of years. The day Pagume 6 recurs once in every four years. Thus there are 1 day in four years, 2 days in every eight years. The relationship between Pagume 6 and year is direct. As year increases by unit, the day Pagume 6 increases by ¼ day or 6 hours. y=0.25x is the linear equation of Pagume 6. where y is the number of day of Pagume 6 and x is the number of year. Graph of Pagume 6 is a picture shows there is direct relationship between the day Pagume 6 and year in the Tropics.