Without discovering today of the Tropics and re-discovering today of the Temperates acting as world or any country leader is neither civilized nor scientific.Because of the fact that today of the Tropics and Temperates are unlike.
But both to-days' of the Tropics and Temperates are undiscovered and re-undiscovered respectively.Because all over the world only today of the Temperates is named as Sunday.Nevertheless, according to the Tropical calendar of Ethiopia, the week day name of today in the tropics is Maksegnoelt.
Therefore, discovering the tropics and rediscovering the temperates means that today is Maksgnoelt 10 Hamle 2005 in the Tropics, when it is called Tuesday 16 July 2013 in the Temperates.
ReplyDeleteKermpt and Bega Segnolet, Nehase 23, 2014 Amete Mehret and Summer & Winter Monday, Agust 29, 2022 Anno Domini are called today's symmetrical scarce resources of moderate and extreme seasons , recurring, being privately and jointly consumed, recorded and predicted per marginal 59.137577 seconds of Pagume 6 and September 11 in wide-hot and narrow-cold zones 3 & 4 and 2 & 5; because of the fact that Kermpt Segnolet, Nehase 23, 2014 Amete Mehret of wide-hot zone 3 is rotating east to west (backward) faster than Summer Monday, August 29, 2022 Anno Domini of narrow-cold zone 2 against the fastest rotations of the equators, when simultaneously Bega Segnolet, Nehase 23, 2014 Amete Mehret of wide-hot zone 4 is rotating west to east (forward) faster than Winter Monday, August 29, 2022 Anno Domini of narrow-cold zone 5 in the east north orbit now!
ReplyDeleteAre you connected with always new moments of Pagume 6 are faster than always new moments of September 11 through observing and applying daily symmetrical scarce resources of moderate and extreme seasons recurring, being privately and jointly consumed, recorded and predicted per marginal 59.137577 seconds in wide-hot and narrow-cold zones/lands 3 & 4 and 2 & 5?