Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Two theories of Earth- theory of the Tropics compared with the Temperates)

Professor Ephraim Isaac is my hero because he asserted that Ethiopian calendar belong to neither Julian nor Gregorian (1999 Ec). Following him and given one day is one rotation of earth, I inquired the question that Ethiopian calendar belong to whom? I have compared and analyzed 68 years data of Ethiopian calendar which consists of Gregorian calendar to understand whether there is relationship between them (1932-1999 EC).
I discovered that there are two new theories of Earth. (1) The shorter variation of day and night is the faster rotation of the Tropics, (2) when the longer variation of day and night is the slower rotation of the Temperates. These two new theories are verified by the fact that Ethiopian calendar belong to the Tropics, when the Gregorian does to the Temperates.!


  1. Replies
    1. https://anchor.fm/fassil-tadesse-tadesse/episodes/Predicting-and-Deriving-Hamuslet--Meskerem-19--2015-and-Thursday--September-29--2022-of-A-M--and-A-D-e1oig97/a-a8jv6k6

  2. Forecasting!
    Are you connected today? Please know and apply today's forecasting depending on where you are! Maksegnolet, Tir 4, 2013 Amete Mehret of Bega and Kermpt (3rd symmetrical scarce resources of moderate seasons) is recurring and being recorded in the east-west north and south wide, hot and fast heavenly Tropics now; where simultaneously, Sunday, January 12, 2021 Anno Domini of Winter and Summer (3rd symmetrical scarce resources of extreme seasons) is recurring and being recorded in east-west north and south narrow, cold and slow heavenly Temperates

  3. Symmetrical scarce resources of moderate and extreme seasons called Metsew & Tseday Kidamlet, Meskerem 22, 2014 Amete Mehret and Autumn & Spring Saturday, October 2, 2021 Anno Domini are recurring, being utilized, recorded and predicted per marginal 59.137577 seconds of Pagume 6 and September 11 in wide and narrow zones 3 & 4 and 2 & 5, because wide zone 3 does rotate east to west (backward) faster than narrow zone 2; against the fastest rotation of the Equator, when symmetrically wide zone 4 does rotate west to east (forward) faster than narrow zone 5 in the west north orbit now!

  4. https://www.linkedin.com/newsletters/events-of-symmetrical-seasons-6886742411574419456

  5. https://pagumetropicsofethiopiawordpress.blogspot.com/2014/05/discovering-day-pagume-6.html?spref=pi

  6. http://youtu.befassiltassewtadesse/IdVA5e5vhIo

  7. Why, what, where, when and how are the 4th west south orbit symmetrical scare resources of moderate and extreme seasons recurring per marginal 59.137577 seconds of Pagume 6 and of September 11?
